Friday, October 01, 2004

Debate, part two

Okay, I've done some reading to see if there was something abot this debate that I may have missed. Despite the relatively positive things coming out of the Corner and Blogs for Bush, I still think Bush lost. Most swing voters don't know the background on things like the ICC. Therefore, they don't know enough to call bullshit on Mr. Kerry when he's fibbing about his cards. Each man left an impression. Bush's image was hurt by the stutters, the silences, and the leaning on the podium. Kerry's image was helped by confidently being on the offensive.

Personally, to me, Bush won the debate because I'm pretty well versed on the issues, and Kerry told us squat, bumkiss, nil. The Col. and I both realized immediately that Kerry's style will play better than Bush's amongst that fluid undecided vote, though. On top of that, the Bush team left enough of an opening for the MSM to jump on the comeback story they all want to write/report. That is going to amplify the perceived success of this debate for Kerry. I hope next Friday that the polls will still be where they are right now, but I'm seriously doubting it.

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