Friday, March 18, 2005


Perhaps I am just too simplistic of a man, but it seems to me that if you are unhooked from medical machinery and it takes a week for you to die, then that medical machinery is aiding a physical process, but not keeping you alive. What's next? Do we start unhooking people from their dialysis machines? Maybe shut off people's pace makers? Close the valves on the oxygen tanks of emphysema sufferers? I honestly don't have the words for what Judge George Greer and Michael Schiavo are perpetrating in Florida. This is a disgusting, slow, cruel murder.


Mediaskeptic said...

She is not on life support. She receives food and water via a tube. Removing the tube is denying her food and water and will starve her to death.

Many people think that Michael Schiavo wants to get on with his life. Then why not campaign for divorce laws that allow a person to do so when there is no hope of recovery of a spouse, such as Terri's case or a spouse with might have Alzheimer's but has a promise of 40 years life? Wouldn't that be honorable? Rather than starving her to death?

And as for the "anonymous" person who promised him $1 million to let her live. We only have vague newspaper reports of this. I think it's an outright lie.

Jib said...


The $1 million offer was put on the table by a San Diego businessman named Robert Herring, who is a supporter of stem cell research. While it is debateable whether his intentions were genuine or just a political statement, the offer was legit.

Mediaskeptic said...

You are right. The businessman supposedly deposited the money with Gloria Allred's firm.

There is even a PDF confirmation of the deposit of money.

As if anyone might not believe Gloria. Heaven knows why.