Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A crack forms in Iran

Iran has seemed very unified and impossible to dance with through out this nuke ordeal. Might internal economic woes finally contribute to a crack? The Washington Times is reporting that the Iranian elite are losing patience with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
Iran's clerical and business establishments, deeply concerned by what they see as reckless spending and needlessly aggressive foreign policies, are increasingly turning against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Mr. Hadian predicted that senior Iranian clerics would continue to support Mr. Ahmadinejad -- or at least not move against him -- for about a year because of that popular support. But privately, he said, they feel he is isolating Iran internationally and putting its economy at risk.

Also at the back of their minds is the fear that his anti-corruption drive ultimately threatens their own considerable privileges.

Mr. Ghaninejad was one of 13 experts in economics who warned, in two petitions to the government just before Mr. Ahmadinejad was elected, that his populist, short-term policies would spell disaster for Iran in the long term.
The Times article also sheds some light on why Iran may be forcing this stand off, namely to mask internal problems in Iran and to also blame them on the West.

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