Monday, November 15, 2004


Inspired by recent posts at Stuff and Things and Such and The Blonde Intellect, I decided to head on over to and look up the word dork. Usually there is good humor to be found in definitions of slang words. So I went here in search of comedic gold. I warn you, don't click on that link. I learned that there is a second definition for dork, a definition which will never allow me to be so flippant with my usage of the word ever again.

If you are so brave as to check out that link, try reading something with multiple usages of the word dork without giggling. The sophomoric humor value is priceless. I feel like I'm 14 years old all over again.


Anonymous said...

((hangs head in shame))

my blog isn't exactly an intellectual repository. I'll blame it on wine and my wife.

Jib said...

Pick that head up, soldier. I'm not laughing at the posts. I'm laughing at my secret knowledge. Who would know dork has a seedy second meaning? It's like being a kid who just learned a new "naughty" word. I plan on calling Mrs. Jib a dork as soon as she comes in the door tonight and then secretly chuckle about it. I just hope beer doesn't come out of my nose...and that she doesn't read this.

dawniebean said...
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dawniebean said...

((hangs head in shame))

my blog isn't exactly an intellectual repository. I'll blame it on wine and my husband.

Cris said...

It's interesting that I should come across your post today after I called myself that term yesterday when I was joking around with a friend. I'll think twice now before referring to myself in such a self-deprecating manner again, haha.

I do love, but I found a different resource today called Of course, I couldn't resist plugging in dork after reading your post. Feel free to view their definition for yourself -

Blue whale, huh. I was wondering what mammal had the largest after Adam Sandler said the walrus had the second largest in 50 First Dates, heehee...

Jib said...

And the dork post goes on to become the most popular Jiblog post ever. CX: Thanks for the Urban Dictionary link. I found that as well, but had managed to immediately block it from my memory.

Cris said...

My girlfriend told me of another word - putz.

Check it out -

Thanks for the laughs, Jib!