Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Starting to really bother me

Okay, my recent voting experience is really starting to bug me now. Somebody give me their best pitch as to why we needed to make voting easier? I voted for the first time in 1995, I was required to show ID and proof of residency then and you know what? It wasn't difficult then. On top of the ease with which I voted in 1995, I left the polling place feeling good that voting, which I take very seriously and treat solemnly, was safe guarded from fraud. Voting today left me with a tremendous unease over how safe the vote is from fraud.

If anyone is interested, this is a letter I wrote (top letter) following the 2000 election to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. I've feared for some time now that many people just don't take voting seriously enough, and the easier we make this, the less serious people are going to take it. Pretty soon voting will be like ordering lunch at McDonald's, and that disturbs me-not because I think any certain people shouldn't vote, but because the more effort someone puts into to doing something, the more seriously they treat it.

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